November 17, 2019 at 08:43PM

Hey all! I wanted to give everyone a quick update on what’s happening with this page. If you’ve been a follower for long, you may have noticed that I haven’t posted a Broken Mirrors piece in quite some time. This isn’t a bad thing; Broken Mirrors was always meant to be an exercise in discipline that would help me grow until I was able to start making comics for real, which is the artistic passion that I want to serve with the most. This doesn’t mean that Broken Mirrors is necessarily going anywhere–I still plan to continue the project when I can and this is still its home–but I also wanted to use this space to share with you the work about which I am most passionate. My followers here have always been so supportive, and this support really does mean so much to me. I hope you’ll continue to support me in this not new, but slightly changing endeavour.

August 10, 2019 at 01:06AM

Drawing Near – Day 5 (August 9, 2019)
Today was the last day of daycamp, which made for a lot of emotions, both positive and negative. I’m going to miss these kids, and this community, a lot, but I’m hopeful for the future. Not only has the growth in the kids this year made me excited to come back for years to come, but I have also seen firsthand how Jesus is impacting these kids lives. After lunch, I was hanging out with the older campers, doing some more cooking, and one of them asked if we could listen to one of the songs we sing in the morning: Jesus You’re My Superhero. I was surprised, but obliged. What followed was almost half an hour of these teens, who usually act to cool to sing with everyone else, absolutely jamming out to this simple song about Jesus’ awesomeness. It was amazing. In Acts 17, Paul tells the people of Athens that, as they’ve been worshipping at the shrine to “The Unknown God,” they’ve really been worshipping the God of the Bible. I don’t know if those teens today understand who Jesus is. I don’t know how much God has moved in their hearts. I don’t know if they’ll ever come to know the joy, forgiveness, and beauty that I’ve found in Christ. But what I saw today was worship, and maybe like the first drop of rain or the first strike of thunder, it signals something much bigger on the way. For that I will pray, and in that, we worship.

August 09, 2019 at 12:39AM

Drawing Near – Day 4 (Thursday, August 8, 2019)

Today we had communion, which is probably one of the easier places to see worship. However, this time, we were encouraged to try it a slightly different way. Rather than the typical delivery of bread and wine from the front of the church, each member of our team took a full slice of bread and a cup of wine (aka grape juice), and walked around the room serving each other. Each time our eyes met another’s, we took a minute to say what difference Christ’s life, death, and ressurection has made in our lives before tearing off a piece of our own slice and serving it to the other person. I’ve never understood so quickly and so wholly the power of Jesus to bring people together. We, an already fairly diverse team, came from all over the world, from all different stories, through so many trials, and through death itself with Jesus to a new life here and now, one which sees us sharing his love so far from home with people who are just as unique as us. And together, we worship.

August 07, 2019 at 11:06PM

Drawing Near – Day 3

This past year, the Serpent River community installed a play park behind the lifestyle centre that serves as our shelter and base of operations for camp. For the kids, it’s an oasis. They always wanna play on that thing–and when they blaze through whatever activity we leaders have planned, it’s a good fallback for us as well. I’ve been working with one child, Jonny (not his real name), who has anger management issues. He’s been better this year, but still flew off the handle a few times a day. Today however, as we played at the park together, and I pushed him on the swing, he was comfortable with me, and happy as could be. We’ve been reminded many times this trip that, more than words or actions, people remember how you made them feel. We’re here to build relationships because we care about these children and their community, just like Jesus does. In his ministry on Earth, he spent so much time building relationships–pouring into his disciples and spending time with them. Relationships take patience and dedication–no one time on the swings will show a child how much Jesus loves them–but I’m happy to have the opportunity to follow my king and build relationships in his image. I love the moment and look to the future, and in doing so, I worship.

August 06, 2019 at 11:30PM

Drawing Near – Day 2

Today was the first day of daycamp and boy did it go off with a bang. Hypothetically, it probably wouldn’t have been hard to pick a moment of worship to reflect on today amidst the Jesus-centred camp fun, but boy oh boy was it hectic. What that means is that the standout moment has ended up being a quieter one. In the afternoon, after most of the kids went to the park, I (Cricket) stayed back with some of the older campers and we did some cooking together, our goal being chicken alfredo. While we’re not gonna win Master Chef any time soon, this time of collaboration and teaching meant a lot to me, and really reminded me what a Christ-centred attitude looks like in this kind of work. We were gathered around food–not so unlike Jesus and his disciples on that Last Supper or Ressurection Fish Fry–enjoying each others’ company, and looking to the future, where relationships may have grown and skill may have been learned. And in doing so, we worshipped.

August 05, 2019 at 11:20PM

I’m pleased to say that this week I’m partnering with the blog Confessions from Crickets (link in bio) for a series of posts reflecting on mine and the authors’ experiences with worship on our trip to the Serpent River First Nation. Check the link for more info and keep reading for today’s reflection!
Drawing Near – Day 1
Today, being a holiday in Canada, was still a day of relative rest, compared to the stress of the next few days. We spent a lot of the day at the local beach, Stockwater, playing with children from the community and our fellow teammates. Early in the afternoon, one of our team members, sitting on a chair submerged in the water, joked about sitting on water, just as Jesus had walked on it. The fact that even our jokes bleed Jesus is a silly little thing, but it makes me think about what it really means to have Jesus as the centre of our lives. Yeah it’s silly–the rest of the time was too–but in these moments of fun, laughter, vulnerability, and frienship, we worship.
#art #jesusart #artistsoninstagram #bw

May 31, 2019 at 06:27PM

Breathing Better – Ezekiel 3
I’m transfixed by this passage. My heart breaks for Ezekiel, stuck in between the indominable forces of his whole hotheaded society and his fiery, redemptive God. Yet, I can also see him exhale–releasing all the stress and righteous passion–with the understanding that Christ has finished the work he was a part of. If this is you–fighting tooth and nail for life, love, justice, or beauty–I’d encourage you to exhale as well. The fight is still ongoing, this is true, and we need you here, but Christ has already won the war. It’s his strength that’ll carry you through, not just your own.
#ezekiel3 #inks #bw #blackandwhite #penandink #artistsoninstagram #drawdaily #jesusart #illustratedfaith

May 26, 2019 at 11:08PM

Wings on Eternity – Ezekiel 1
I’ve just started reading Ezekiel again, and I’d forgotten how wild this book is. It’s a good reminder of how our minds interact with God. It’s an experience of analogy, contrast, and doing one’s level best to describe the uncircumscribable within a human vocabulary. Yet, in all of this unknown grandeur, this is still the same God who is mindful of us, to the point of taking human form to live, die, and rise again for us. That’s what I call awesome.
#ezekiel1 #inks #bw #blackandwhite #penandink #artistsoninstagram #drawdaily #jesusart #illustratedfaith